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World of Warcraft Rise of Azshara Number Review

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World of Warcraft, Blizzard Amusement's massively multiplayer RPG, spent nearly of this spring in a deep content drought. Ascension of Azshara, one of the nigh-ambitious content patches ever in the game, seeks to drown players in new content.

The patch offers two new significant zones of content with new reputations, types of encounters, islands, the reintroduction of flight, an uplift to the crafting system that includes new leveling and crafted items, and a host of other changes big and small.

2 weeks after its initial launch, on July 9, Blizzard released a new eight-boss raid dungeon, Azshara'southward Eternal Palace; and an 8-boss, five-actor "megadungeon," Functioning: Mechagon, something that hasn't been seen since the days of Return to Karazhan.

Since that fourth dimension I've reached exalted reputation with both factions and regained the ability to wing; experienced every slice of new content the zones had to offer; completed the raid dungeon on Normal and Heroic difficulty; completed the new megadungeon on normal and hard style; done all PvP battlegrounds and open-earth contest; washed the new Heroic-difficulty Warfront; completed the new islands; maxed out new crafting skills; gotten to Heart of Azeroth level 58, and picked upward major and minor traits along the manner; and generally spent far too much time playing, like a pig in the newly-rejuvenated mud.

Overall, Rise of Azshara is just what Warcraft needed: a long-overdue shot in the arm of new and novel content. While not perfect, it presents happy players with and then many options that in some cases, it feels like going from starving to becoming overstuffed with things to exercise.

Mechagon is one of two new zones.

In a higher place: Mechagon is one of two new zones.

Epitome Credit: Blizzard

What you'll like

New zones and content unfold as you go

A nice extension to World of Warcraft's storyline leads you into 2 new zones: Nazjatar, the until-recently-underwater home of the evil Naga snake-people empire, and the isle of Mechagon, domicile to mecha-gnomes and the Rustbolt Resistance. In each, the more you do, the more there is to do. Unlock reputation with the Resistance and more quests open up; loot rare items and y'all'll accept things you can craft and, more importantly, things you can do. In Nazjatar, you'll build experience with your called bodyguard, and every bit you exercise, more than quests and storyline will open to yous.

Even with this careful approach, the Rise of Azshara patch has an overwhelming amount of content. This unfolding-style reveal of new things to do makes that deluge heady and challenging, instead of overwhelming, and Blizzard's pattern does information technology with subtlety and grace.

New group content for PvE players

The Eternal Palace raid and Operation: Mechagon megadungeon are 2 of the best instances Blizzard has always created. Both do an exceptional job of making the environment office of the meet; while at that place are nevertheless plenty of boss battles that (sometimes literally) trap you in a flat arena, nearly involve tricksy bits of engineering that utilize your surround to put you lot in peril or merely brand the fights more immersive.

In Operation: Mechagon, the v-player, eight-boss megadungeon, yous'll climb through trash piles and fight battling robots in an area that includes BattleBots-style hammers and saws that come up from the flooring. In the Eternal Palace raid, an underwater boss is (finally!) extraordinarily well-designed, with the Blackwater Behemoth using platforms and jetstreams and the demand for jiff and healing to challenge your group. Za'qul offers three "phases" existing simultaneously on a single platform, forcing players to hop from ane phase to the next and back again to defeat the bad guy.

Both instances are incredibly enjoyable, and the difficulty seems well-tuned. Eternal Palace is a bit easier than Battle for Dazar'alor, at least on Normal and Heroic difficulties, but poses a adept challenge for groups, particularly in Mythic. Operation: Mechagon is hard, merely not incommunicable, on its basic Mythic difficulty; and Hard Mode offers some terrific challenges based on your group'due south power to handle mechanics, not merely the power of your gear.

The new Heart of Azeroth.

Higher up: The new Heart of Azeroth.

Image Credit: Blizzard

The new Azerite essences organisation

Azerite armor disappointed players in Battle for Azeroth. Information technology was the successor to the incredibly fun legendary weapon system in Legion, and information technology didn't fulfill its hope. Instead, players had to work over and over again in new levels of gear to earn the aforementioned traits they had in the last tier.

The new organisation uses interchangeable "essences" on players' Middle of Azeroth neckpieces, each with multiple ranks, and it's been a hoot. Not only does leveling up those essences require nearly every type of gameplay, giving players a million things to do to progress, but they're balanced well enough that they feel slightly overpowered (yay!) and offer some real options to players swapping between dissimilar types of content.

The system isn't perfect, and new essences are hopefully coming along as we slurp upward all this succulent new gameplay, just information technology'due south a huge improvement and works smoothly.

Professions and pets and achievements and mounts

Ascension of Azshara's meat lies in how much in that location is to practice in about every aspect of the game. Professions got 25 new skill levels and a pile of new recipes, earned in a wide variety of places. New pets and mounts and rare spawns and achievements and hidden tricks to obtain them are stuffed into this patch. New islands and PvP battles and even new types of daily quest mechanics added to the variety.

This content update pony performs more than only a few tricks. It gives players an overwhelming, wonderful pile of things to do. In an ideal world, this is what every patch would feel similar.

What you won't similar

Welcome dorsum, grindy content

Rather than fourth dimension-gate some of this content goodness — a system that generally frustrates the virtually committed players — Blizzard returned to a more-grindy organization this time around. While unlocking some content does crave fourth dimension, whether it'south to increase the experience of your bodyguards in Nazjatar or your reputation with the factions in both zones, much of it can be ground out a petty at a time if yous want to … which means many players did.

Surprise quests sometimes lead to missing out

Rise of Azshara doesn't concur your paw. Breadcrumbs quests about don't exist, and so knowing where to go and what to do can be a challenge. Some content isn't identified anywhere, so either careful scrutiny of third-party guides or random activity, such equally kill every neutral mob in a zone, turn out to be your options for finding everything. The Hugger-mugger-Finding Discord has been working overtime on this patch.

Sometimes that's really fun, and makes the zones feel more alive. Killing neutral Algon creatures gives you two mana pearls you lot tin can utilize to upgrade Benthic gear, and somewhen spawns a rare monster? Mannerly a critter in the open globe and dragging it to some other mob tin can net yous a pet or activate a rare? Neat!

But sometimes it results in missing out on major parts of the content. The most egregious instance was Chromie's "Alternating Timeline" in Mechagon. This fun questline sent you into an alternate time to come for the zone, where you did a couple of quests and got to see the isle in a new lite. Information technology was a smash.

But if you didn't read any guides and didn't get lucky with the drop for a set of plans for an item that would let you return, y'all soon discovered that while other players could render to the Alternate Timeline 24-hour interval subsequently solar day, doing boosted quests that got them additional reputation, you had literally no fashion to return or to correct the problem until Chromie herself returned, days later.


Above: Queen Azshara.

Image Credit: Blizzard

Faction imbalance continues to get worse in PvP and PvE content

While Horde and Alliance populations are roughly equal overall in World of Warcraft, the percentage of players taking reward of cease-game content (raids, PvP battlegrounds, open world PvP content, high-end Mythic Plus dungeon runs) is overwhelmingly imbalanced. Horde outnumber Alliance on leaderboards for Mythic raids and dungeons more than than half dozen:1, a problem that only worsens as players swap factions after having difficulty finding guilds and groups.

Rise of Azshara included some truly fun open-world PvP encounters, which form the cadre of new PvP currency systems. The Battle for Nazjatar was supposed to pit Alliance and Horde players confronting each other for control of the zone and currency rewards, for instance. Instead, the imbalance was and then farthermost that either Horde won the boxing over and over over again as raids formed in zones to capture those objectives, pulling people in from multiple shards; or faced no competition at all, because in that location were so many of them that they concluded upward in shards of their own, with non a single Alliance player in sight.

Eventually, the issue was changed so that it wouldn't even spawn if the shard was imbalanced, instead presenting a much less-rewarding PvE pick. The Mechagon Fight Club treasure chest was similarly removed from an achievement altogether.

Overwhelming high-finish faction imbalance makes Rise of Azshara less fun for both factions in PvP, and for Alliance players who struggle to find groups in loftier-end PvE dungeons and raids.

Good day goodbye, bag space

Everything takes upward bag space now. PvP currency. Things to summon other things. Things that are conspicuously quest items. Parts that combine into other quest items or essences. Even with a full slate of 32-slot bags, information technology requires daily inventory maintenance, which is not fun gameplay.


This is the patch that Warcraft should have received several months ago. There were signs that at to the lowest degree some of the content was planned to exit earlier; the in-game "new things to do" screen enticed players to join Heroic Warfronts weeks before they were actually available, for case, before it was quietly inverse.

That said, Rise of Azshara and Season 3 present an amazing corporeality of options for current, new, and returning characters, and most of them appoint y'all and offering some surprising fun. The grindy bits aren't too horrible, and as you lot progress through the zones, you unlock boosted things to do. The raid and the megadungeon are well designed, the Heroic Warfront certainly feels a ton more fun than the standard setup, and while the crafting system needs a significant remainder pass, the new systems are mostly fun and rewarding.

Judged on its ain merits, this is i of the all-time patches the game has ever seen. In the overall context, however, it feels not-to-trivial but a-lot-too-tardily. Battle for Azeroth needs more love that patches like Rise of Azshara provide.

Score: 95/100

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